Kelly's Animal Naturals
Kelly's Animal Naturals Flowers of Sulphur
Traditionally used as a mix with udder cream for Mud fever treatment (1 part powder to 5 parts cream). Also helpful for itchy skin conditions such as sweet itch, ringworm, lice and mange.
Sprinkle small amount onto affected areas. Not to be ingested.
Natraliving Horse Thuja Cream
Natraliving Thuja Cream 60g - A cream which offers external support for healing warts/sarcoids.
Use for warts and sarcoids combine with Thuja 200c and Equine Sarcoid remedies for best results.
Hormunise by Natraliving
Excellent for attitude problems with moody mares. Also invaluable for helping to maintain the health of horses that have suffered from Cushings Syndrome.
Kelly's Animal Naturals Agnus Castus - Monkspepper
Used to help re-establish the oestrus cycle and balance the hormonal system. Helps improve behaviour when mares are in season as well as being used to regulate seasons.
Kelly's Animal Naturals Chamomile Flowers
Can be used to gently calm and relax in cases of tension, restlessness and stress. Chamomile has been shown to have significant anti-inflammatory and analgesic actions, helping with aches and pains.
Kelly's Animal Naturals Kan-Calm
Chamomile, Valerian, Lemonbalm and Scullcap.
A specially selected and balanced mix of herbs known to help soothe and calm an excited or over anxious horse. Can also lower blood pressure and help with aches and pains.
Natraliving Horse Tranquil
Tranquil from Natraliving is a calmer based on an aqueous infusion of valerian.
Tranquil E for Horses is a natural herbal calmer in liquid form. Tranquil E will help calm your horse naturally without removing his competitive edge.
An aqueous infusion prepared from the root of the Valerian plant, Tranquil E is for horses with excessively high spirits which when left unmanaged can lead to control problems.
Kelly's Animal Naturals Kan Glow
A perfect conditioner that supports the respiratory, digestive and Lymphatic systems. A blend of Ready cooked Linseed, Fenugreek, Seaweed, Garlic, Spearmint and rosehips.
Kelly's Animal Naturals Kan-Skin
Linseed, Seaweed, Rosehips, Marigold & Golden Rod. A balanced blend of herbs, that helps equines maintain healthy skin and coat all year round.
Kelly's Animal Naturals Marigold Flowers
Widely known to help heal skin and gastric complaints such as ulcers. Rich in sulphur and Pro - vitamin A. Traditionally used as an excellent blood cleanser for healthy skin and hair.
Kelly's Animal Naturals Ready Cooked Linseed
High levels of omega oils, essential fatty and Amino acids improves body condition and helps maintain a wonderful healthy shiny coat. Very low in starch which helps older horses and the laminitis prone.
Kelly's Animal Naturals Brewers Yeast
A good very source of protein and important B vitamins. Useful aid to the digestive system and a great benefit to most horses at times of stress.
Kelly's Animal Naturals Kan Gut Guard
Charcoal helps balance and maintain a healthy digestive system by absorbing toxins and intestinal gases – it acts as a gut filter. Can also help with diarrhoea, gastric ulcers and laminitis. If your horse is on medication allow 2 hours before feeding charcoal.
Kelly's Animal Naturals Cinnamon Powder
Rich in antioxidants which provide many health benefits, especially for overweight horses. Can be used to aid weight loss in conjunction with a restricted diet. Also helps encourage fussy eater and reduce flatulence.
Kelly's Animal Naturals Clivers
Clivers is known as a diuretic and cleansing herb. Used for urinary infection and to support the lymphatic system. Can also help with soft swellings, windgalls or filled legs.
Kelly's Animal Naturals Clivers & Marigold
“Helping the lymphatic system”
These two herbs interact to offer excellent support and toning for urinary, lymphatic and glandular systems. Known to aid soft swellings and filled legs. Ideal for elderly or stabled horses and ponies.
Kelly's Animal Naturals Comfrey Leaves
Comfrey helps the repair of skin wounds, bones, cartilage and soft connective tissue. Research shows it possesses anti-inflammatory properties, idea for easing gastric disorders, swelling around wounds and for rheumatism and arthritis.
Kelly's Animal Naturals Epsom Salts
Known to lessen the risk of laminitis and reduce obesity. Traditionally used dissolved in hot water to draw out abscesses. Also has a cleaning effect on the hind gut. It is non-toxic but do not over use as this can result in diarrhoea.
Kelly's Animal Naturals Garlic Grains
A rich source of sulphur, oil and B vitamins, Supporting the respiratory and digestive Systems. A blood cleanse that fights Infections, aids worming programmes as well as helping to repel biting insects.
Kelly's Animal Naturals Kan Move
Clivers, Nettle, Meadowsweet, Devils Claw Root, Milk Thistle Powder & Rosehip.
A blend of herbs which are known to help with joint suppleness and mobility
Kelly's Animal Naturals Meadowsweet
One of the best herbs for the digestive system. Containing salicylic acid, known as the herbal aspirin, it is ideal for fevers, stiffen, aches and pains.
Kelly's Animal Naturals Nettles
A very nutritious herb rich in vitamin C, Iron, Sodium Chlorophyll, protein and dietary fibre. A great overall general tonic and blood cleanse. Helps stimulate circulation and supports liver and kidney function.
Kelly's Animal Naturals Rosehip
A wide variety of vitamins including C, E, K plus, B vitamins riboflavin and folate. Hoof health is optimised by the natural Biotin content.
Kelly's Animal Naturals Soya Oil
Excellent for improving stamina and skin/coat condition. Provides a slow release of energy which will not over excite your horse’s behaviour. Ideal choice for increasing performance in conjunction with an exercise and fitness programme.
Kelly's Animal Naturals Spearmint
With a refreshing aroma this herb is renowned as an equine feed appetiser and digestive aid = soothing and relaxing the whole digestive tract. Helps with flatulence, cribbing, windsucking and horses prone to “gassy colic”
Kelly's Animal Naturals Spearmint
With a refreshing aroma this herb is renowned as an equine feed appetiser and digestive aid = soothing and relaxing the whole digestive tract. Helps with flatulence, cribbing, windsucking and horses prone to “gassy colic”
Kelly's Animal Naturals Turmeric Powder
Often used to promote joint health with Anti-oxidant properties which may also have wider health benefits. Known to support bowel and lung health plus detoxifying. Curcumin content approximately 3%
Natraliving Horse Aconite Tablets
Aconite Tablets
Aconite Tablets are an excellent aid for fearful situations. Use prior to or following 'panic situations'. A very good product for animals that are fearful of travelling.
Natraliving Horse Arnica 200
Arnica 200 by Natraliving
Arnica 200 are the ultimate accident aid, for use after a tumble by horse and/or rider. Best used in the first five days after an accident. Can aid known 'bleeders' if given prior to race.
Used for:
Soft tissue damage
Natraliving Horse Arnica 30
Arnica 30
Arnica 30 is the ultimate accident aid, for use after a tumble by horse and/or rider. Best used in the first five days after an accident. Can aid known 'bleeders' if given prior to race.
Natraliving Horse Arsenicum Album 30
Arsenicum Album 30
Arsenicum Album 30 offer support for rainscald sufferers.
Natraliving Horse Bellis Perrenis
Bellis Perrenis
Bellis Perrenis is an excellent homeopathic aid for foot soreness. It can also be used as a preventative aid. 200 tablets .
Natraliving Horse Caladium 30
Caladium 30
Caladium 30 from Natural Living is a midge repellent that gives excellent homeopathic support for sweet itch sufferers. Good for most, but not all sweet itch cases and those that are really bothered by midge type flies - well worth a try, especially when combined with sulphur.
Natraliving Horse Calc Flour 30
Used for:
Persistent splints
encourages healthy tissue growth
Removal of scar tissue.
Dosed over a reasonable period of months, splints may diminish. Greater success can be achieved on more recent occurrences. At the onset of a splint consider Arnica and Ruta Grav.
Natraliving Horse Colocynth 30
Colocynth 30
Colocynth 30 acts on spasm, especially uterine and intestinal cramping associated with menstrual and digestive disturbances. Spasms of other muscles may well be helped too, especially when there is relief from firm pressure and the application of heat. At times this type of spasm is worsened if the patient becomes angry for some reason. If so, Colocynth is even more likely to prove...
Natraliving Horse Echinacea 30X
Echinacea 30X
Echinacea 30X is both safe and powerful, and it is thought to stimulate various immune system cells that are crucial in the fight against infection. Additionally the herb is also thought to boost the ability of the cells to produce interferon, a substance vital to the fighting of viruses.
Echinacea is also being studied for its possible role in fighting respiratory ailments. It...
Natraliving Horse Gelsemium
Natraliving GelsemiumGelsemium is suitable for animals of a nervous, hysterical temperament. Can be useful for your horse if given before events such as showing or racing.
Used for:
Timid and shy horses
Fearful horses
Natraliving Horse Graphite 30
Natraliving Graphite 30
Graphite 30 from Natural Living can be used to help characteristic skin lesions, especially those with weepy, honey coloured secretions.
May help treat the symptoms of skin eruptions and unhealthy skin
Natraliving Horse Hypericuim
Natraliving HypericuimHypericuim can aid in supporting severe pain/feeling 'down'.
Used for:
Injuries to nerves with severe pain
Trapped nerves
Relief of pain and swelling from puncture wounds
Splinter wounds
Barbed wire wounds
Snake bite wounds
Natraliving Horse Kali phos
Natraliving Kali PhosKali phos is a homeopathic aid for shy/timid animals.
This remedy is also ideal to help the convalescing horse to keep calm during this period, if he is prone to getting stressed.
Natraliving Horse Mixed Pollen 30
Natraliving Mixed Pollen 30Mixed Pollen 30 is a homeopathic allergy support. Particularly good for summer head shakers in horses and human hay fever sufferers.
Used for:
Allergies to airborne pollens
Natraliving Horse Rhus Tox
Natraliving Rhus ToxRhus Tox is a homeopathic aid for Muscle aches due to; 'overdoing it'. Also supportive for general stiffness in athritis sufferers.
Consider when stiffness improves after exercise but then returns after rest. Useful for horses that stand in for long periods. Helpful for horses that suffer from damp and cold environments.
Used for:
Over-exerted muscles
Tight stiff muscles
Natraliving Horse Ruta Grav
Natraliving Ruta GravRuta Grav is a superb remedy to support horses recovering from muscle/tendon/ligament injuries.
Used for:
Tendon injuries
Over exertion
Can be used as a preventative for horses and ponies returning to work after injury.
Natraliving Horse Scutellaria
Natraliving Scutellaria
Scutellaria is a homeopathic first aid for the pushy or 'over excitable'.
Great help for those animals that come over more pleased to be at their first ' summer party' than the owner!
Natraliving Horse Silicea
Natraliving SilicaSilica is a homeopathic poultice.
Rejection of foreign bodies
Clearing early scar tissue and C
Completes the healing of abscesses & infections.
Excellent for persistent abscesses caused by ‘gravel’ in the foot.
Natraliving Horse Sulphur 30
Natraliving Sulphur 30Sulphur 30 can be used for general skin conditions. This is a 'constitutional' remedy , which balances the immune system. Combine with Caladium where insect reaction is suspected.
Used for:
Itching skin
General skin disorders
Can be used for sweetitch
Natraliving Horse Sweet Itch Aid
Natraliving Sweet Itch AidSweet Itch Aid is an excellent homeopathic support for Sweet Itch sufferers. Best used alongside homeopathic Echinacea for the first month. Caladium is also worth trying as a homeopathic Midge deterrent.
Used for:
Reducing the symptoms of sweetitch.
Allergic reactions
Extreme itching
Natraliving Horse Tea Tree Oil
Natraliving Tea Tree OilTea Tree Oil from Natural Living is good for the skin; Antiseptic, respiratory conditions, immuno-stimulant, cuts and wounds, sores, bits, infections. Not for use on Dogs.
There is also great antidotal information about its use on horses to fight rain rot, thrush, cuts/scrapes, and even scratches and ringworm.