Roma have made a name for themselves worldwide for their top-quality collection of affordable equestrian and grooming products, where you will find their products in most stables across the country. Every single product from their range has been manufactured with the best quality materials and are trusted by thousands of riders to last day-to-day over the years. Whether you’re looking for brushes and combs or hoof care and horse show accessories, we stock a variety of Roma equine essentials to suit both you and your horse.
Roma Deluxe Oval 3 Number Holder Pair
Competition number holder that is ideal for competition use. Includes numbers.
Roma Grand Prix All Purpose Numnah
The Roma Grand Prix All Purpose Numnah is a trustworthy product perfect to use under general purpose saddles.
The numnah is made with a soft, cotton drill and finished off with a quilted diamond design. The soft cotton helps to protect your horses back and aids a more comfortable ride.
Featuring touch tape tabs on the side and girth loops, the numnah is machine washable to make life a little easier...
Roma Plastic Medical Arm Band
Adjustable arm band with touch close fastening. Pocket with popper closure. Includes medical card.
Roma Brights Trailer Tie
Roma Brights Trailer Tie 50cm. Available in a range of colours and fitted with a quick release clip at each end. Perfect for using as a cross tie or in the trailer.
Roma Acrylic Stable Bandages
The Roma Acrylic Stable Bandages 4 Pack offers extra protection for the Horse's leg.
Roma Leg Pads (4 Pack)
ideal for putting under any bandages or boots when riding. The pads are a foam material and are available in white.
Roma Stable Wraps
The brilliant Stable Wraps from Roma are made with a neoprene outer boot and come with a removal quilt liner, providing comfort and support to your horses legs. The wraps feature a velcro closure for a easy fit, available in various sizes.
Roma Grooming Carry Bag
Strong nylon bag comes with adjustable shoulder strap. Lots of pockets for bottles and brushes
Roma Sponge
A vacuum-packed expanding sponge that increases in size when water is added.
Roma Thinning Blade
Comb with thinning blade for tidying up manes and tails